Mincemeat samosas
Using samosa pastry is best but you could also use filo pastry. Fry and serve with a chocolate orange dipping sauce.
Mincemeat ice cream
This works well with vanilla but would go down well with chocolate also. Just fold in the mincemeat once you have churned your ice cream – or you can add a couple of spoonfuls to shop-bought ice cream if you’re feeling lazy!
Mincemeat Bakewell
Prepare your Bakewell but rather than the traditional raspberry jam in the base, spread your mincemeat then frangipane, lots of flaked almonds and nibbed sugar then bake till light brown. Serve with brandy custard.
Mincemeat bread and butter pudding
I would use brioche for this and make your custard in the normal way but a little brandy and orange zest will enrich this. Simply layer the brioche between the mincemeat and finish the top with some mixed spice and Demerara sugar. Bake till golden.
Mincemeat cheesecake
Prepare a normal cold set or baked vanilla recipe (it’s nice if you use a ginger biscuit base), then fold 150g of mincemeat into your mix before you pour over the base.