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Coconut Mousse
a delicious coconut mousse dessert that is free from the 14 major allergens as well as being suitable for vegans!
Cooking Time 20 Minutes
Increase Portion Size
- tin Country Range Coconut Milk
- g Country Range Frozen Berry Mix
- pinch ginger
- pinch cinnamon
- tbsp icing sugar
Step 1
Place the tin in the fridge for 1 hour. You want the fat to solidify and the liquid to separate -
Step 2
Once cold, open the tin and scoop out only the solids, keep the liquid for curries or drinks -
Step 3
Whisk the coconut until light and fluffy and add a pinch of ginger and cinnamon -
Step 4
Carefully spoon into 2 glasses and give them a gentle tap off the table to remove any air bubbles and to level the mix -
Step 5
Defrost 100g of summer fruit and add ½ tbsp of icing sugar -
Step 6
Top each glass with the fruit and serve
Increase Portion Size
- tin Country Range Coconut Milk
- g Country Range Frozen Berry Mix
- pinch ginger
- pinch cinnamon
- tbsp icing sugar
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