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Sticky Clementine and Ginger Puddings
Cooking Time 30 min Minutes
6 portions
14 Total- 3 clementines
- 140 g Country Range Butter, plus extra for greasing
- 3 tbsp golden syrup
- 140 g Country Range Plain Flour
- 1 ½ tsp Country Range Baking Powder
- ¼ tsp Country Range Salt
- 2 tsp Country Range Ground Ginger
- 85 g Country Range Ground Almonds
- 175 g golden caster sugar
- 3 Country Range Free Range Medium Eggs, lightly beaten
- For the Chantilly cream:
- 1 Country Range Vanilla Pod
- 150 ml Country Range Whipping Cream
- 1-2 tbsp icing sugar, sieved
Step 1
Pre-heat oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Juice one of the clementines, discard the skin and set aside the juice. Peel the two remaining clementines using a peeler. Julienne the peel and set aside. Remove the pith and slice each clementine into 3 discs. -
Step 2
Grease 6 individual pudding basins, drizzle 1/2 tbsp golden syrup into each then place a slice of clementine in the base. -
Step 3
In a large bowl, sieve together the flour, baking powder, salt, ginger and almonds. -
Step 4
In a separate bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until pale then add the eggs one by one, alternating with a little of the flour mix. -
Step 5
Fold in the remaining flour mix, orange peel and the clementine juice. Divide the mixture evenly between the pudding basins. -
Step 6
Place the puddings in a deep roasting tray. Carefully pour in a little boiled water (approximately 1cm) around the basins. Cover the roasting tray with baking paper and press lightly over the pudding moulds. -
Step 7
Place in the oven for 30 minutes until the puddings are firm and spongy. -
Step 8
To make the Chantilly cream, whip the cream, add the seeds from the vanilla pod then mix in the icing sugar.
14 Total- 3 clementines
- 140 g Country Range Butter, plus extra for greasing
- 3 tbsp golden syrup
- 140 g Country Range Plain Flour
- 1 ½ tsp Country Range Baking Powder
- ¼ tsp Country Range Salt
- 2 tsp Country Range Ground Ginger
- 85 g Country Range Ground Almonds
- 175 g golden caster sugar
- 3 Country Range Free Range Medium Eggs, lightly beaten
- For the Chantilly cream:
- 1 Country Range Vanilla Pod
- 150 ml Country Range Whipping Cream
- 1-2 tbsp icing sugar, sieved
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